Sunday, November 15, 2009

Briwax Direct to You

Yes, that’s right – Briwax Direct! As always!! Visit the TRG Products’ website and find out more about the Briwax family of products available!

Briwax – International acclaim – Briwax is known around the World as THE Premium paste wax.

Briwax is manufactured in England.

Customers always ask for
Briwax by name!!

Lustersheen nor Lustra produce are an alternative to Briwax. Accept no substitutes for Briwax.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Coverage of Briwax

Many folks have asked us about the coverage they should get with Briwax. Here is a way to figure the coverage that you should get (note: everyone uses too much!).

Whatever you are about to use Briwax on, whatever kind of surface a simple rule to follow is this. If you put a high powered microscope on the surface and took a look in it, what you would see would look pretty much like a kitchen sponge. See the pores? That’s where the Briwax is going to go.

A formula for figuring the amount of Briwax you will use in this case is the following:

200 sq. ft / pound of Briwax (appx. 85% of pores filled) 1st application.

400 sq. ft./pound of Briwax (appx. 95% of pores filled) 2nd application.

500 sq. ft./pound of Briwax (100% of pores filled) 3rd application.

  • Also, 400-500 sq. ft / pound will be your maintenance for the life of the piece.
  • Pine is the most difficult to wax to a beautiful sheen but is also the prettiest. Pine almost always has to be waxed 3-4 times to develop that lovely patina…but it is worth it!
  • Oak, Maple, Birch and other hardwoods will develop a sheen on the first or second application.

Now, say the surface you are about to wax has a varnish or paint on it. Look at the sponge the same way, only now mentally wrap it in a clear wrap (Glad, Saran etc.)

This is a way to visualize a “film finish” on any surface, be it varnish, paint, shellac, or lacquer. The film will keep the colored Briwax out of the pores so no wax will penetrate the film and you will get no color addition to the surface. Notice that if you have a scratch or a chip in the “film”, Briwax will fill in the opening and repair it for you. Remember Briwax loves a rough surface and will always try to smooth it over.

The formula for figuring the amount of Briwax you will use in this case is the same as above, only go immediately to the 400-500 sq. ft. /pound. One application will be sufficient.

Now is the time to be getting your home ready for the Holidays – Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before you know it! So, now would be a good time to use your Briwax to get your furniture, floors and kitchen cabinets in their prime condition for all of your holiday company!


Also, have you thought about the perfect gift for the Woodworkers in your family – think about getting them three cans of Briwax – Clear, Light Brown and Dark Brown – these three colors cover the whole spectrum! You’re sure to be a hero with these thoughtful gifts!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!